sauce & condiment
Faith. Love. God.
「Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!」Philippians 4:4
about us

This photo was taken in a beautiful place in Hong Kong called 'RENNIS MILL'.
Left to right: The Mother of Sharon, Baby Sharon, Sharon's Grandmother, Sharon's Auntie Tina
「味道」= 「回憶」
MAMAintheKitchen 創始人 Sharon 出生於多倫多,小時候和媽媽一起回到香港長大,接受教育成長,建立家庭。
於Facebook 開設了MAMAintheKitchen 平台與不同地域不同朋友分享食譜和生活。
2022年正式在溫哥華發售MAMA 屋企味道嘅醬料。

I love cooking and always do.. It’s actually inherited by my grandmother and my mom and now my little daughter has started to love cooking as well. For me, this is the taste of inheritance, passed down from generation to generation.
Taste = Memory
I believe the taste of food can bring back many wonderful memories. When you taste something that you had a long time ago, it will flash back some memories of when you had it and I believe most of you must have experienced the same, especially the food that you had since young and was cooked by your mother or your grandmother.
My story began with my grandparents when they established this family, and food has become a very important element to our family, and when there is food, there is memory too. Then it passed to my mother and now to me.
The creation of MAMAintheKitchen by Sharon was born in Toronto but grew up in Hong Kong along with her mother and where she began to have her own family there.
Sharon began to share her passion for food with her friends and family and this has become part of her habit ever since 2016. Due to that, she opened up her first social media account on Facebook in order to be able to share more foods such as her own recipes and her stories to others.
In 2020, Sharon decided to return to Canada and settle down in Vancouver along with her husband and two children. Being away from home (Hong Kong), Sharon started to miss all the home-cooked food and hence she would cook the food based on her memory when she was back in Hong Kong.
In 2021, Sharon came up with an idea of creating her own brands in order to let more diverse people be able to have MAMA’s taste.
In 2022, MAMA’s home style flavour sauce will be officially launched.
Hoping MAMA’s flavour can bring happiness and love to all people around the world.

Sharon 是兩位小孩子的母親,她熱愛烹飪而且對維繫家庭的愛和自家味道的傳承充滿熱誠。她喜歡通過不同的菜式分享她的成長故事以及當中的甜酸苦辣,亦鼓勵各位母親透過食物去表達和分享愛;她深信每天晚上簡簡單單的家常菜最能維繫一家人的感情。
Sharon創立了MAMAINTHEKITCHEN 網上分享除了希望將傳統味道一代傳一代外,最希望透過自己的故事去感染他人,給予無形的支持,通過烹飪和食物讓大家在繁忙的生活當中維繫一家人的感情。世事瞬間萬變 ,唯有味道是獨一無二的,它會帶給你最溫暖的回憶。
Sharon is a mother of two who loves cooking and is passionate about sharing love and family inheritance through the taste of home-cooking food.
She likes sharing her own stories by preparing significant dishes that bring back of her memories from the good old days. While she also likes to encourage mothers to show their love to their families via easy cooking dishes, she believes sitting together every night at home for dinner is truly a way of love interaction.
Sharon established a Web channel MAMAintheKitchen, which wishes to nurture family connectedness through cooking experience. Her highest ambition is to pass the traditional taste of food and love from generation to generation because the taste is unique and treasures your intimate memories.
MAMAintheKitchen 創辦人 Sharon
Founder of MAMAintheKitchen, Sharon